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futurity is now 26 years old  (est. 12/1/99) & has been providing quality financial advice ever since. 

Life insurance

We insure everything else: cars, houses, toys (boats, bikes etc.) but we regularly overlook insuring ourselves. This is indeed bizarre and a major oversight. To create a true 'quality of being in the future' loans are essential. To not cover the risk posed by the loan is foolish to say the least. All we are doing with no insurance is transferring the risk onto others, the loved one's we may leave behind.

The bottom line is if you have debt then you need insurance! When considering insurance you should consider the entire suite, yourself included. As a general guide you should cover yourself for at least the value of the total debt you have. If you wish to make it easier on those left behind it could be beneficial to add 10 - 20% above the value of the debt alone. This would assist with a multitude of unknown expenses at a difficult time.

Sounds a bit morbid doesn't it? The reality is it is a necessity and an appropriate thing to do. Have a think about the level of cover you need, after taking into account your debt levels, and then call to discuss in greater detail.

We have available both a general advice model as well as a full advice model and a whole suite of insurance companies to address your needs.