Mother earth
Anyone who knows me personally will know that in my heart of hearts I am a simply a snowboarder. That is my passion! It comes from a 52 year connection with the snow, 22 years on skis followed by the remainder on a snowboard (I will leave it to you to guess the number).
Being so close to nature for so long has enabled me to develop a strong connection with mother earth and an inherent knowledge of her seasons. Like many I have seen great change and simply cannot comprehend those who do not see the same, to the point that I wonder if they actually live in the same world as me or rather some parallel universe.
In order to put my money where my mouth is I have decided to join 1% for the Planet. This organisation encourages members to donate 1% of their turnover to accredited charities at a grass roots level (member selected). This way more money gets to the charity and less is soaked up in the management and head office machinations.
Now, 1% from futurity will not be much, but it will be something. The fact that futurity operates in the financial arena, one that is not traditionally known for caring for nature, I hope will be a catalyst for change.
I trust that you, as a valued client, or associate of futurity, will see the value of this relationship. With your assistance and support we can both assist to combat some of our human shortcomings toward our home.